Monday, 20 August 2007

My tears speak

© By Samira Sanusi

I look up
At the sky
And I see
No stars
Only a half-moon
Hidden by the dull sky
I feel theWind blowing away
My hair backwards
And I try to fight
Every urge to cry
Not succeding,I let it out!
I dont know why i'm crying
I dont know whats exactly wrong
I dont know how to voice it
Only my tears speak
As they slowly slide
Down my sad face
I wanna talk to someone
But I dont know what to say
Only my tears speak
warm and salty.
I let my mind wander
I think of what used to be
I dream of what will be
That's it,there's no present!
Just the past and the future

Dear God,
I know You can hear me
Even if I cant speak
I know You can read my tears
I know You can see my sad eyes
But I wonder if You'll console me.
I cry to You
I beg You
I plead to You
I pray to You

To let me find happiness again
To give me the strength to hold on
To give me hope and endurance
To give me reason to let go.

I sit
I cry
I wait for a miracle to happen
Because i'm tired and weak
And I cant go on anymore
I want to know
If i'll find happiness
In this lifetime
Or in another.

I heard everything that has
A beginning has an end
But what if the end o
fMy trial aint here
What if it's in the next lifetime?

If the end of the storm aint here
I beg You to take my life
So that I can rest in peace
So that I would suffer no more
So that I would be happy there.